Please find the 2024 showcase of student posters and talks below, and join us for the in-person reception on Wednesday, Oct. 23.

Praneetha Buddha
Poster: Pyrolysis of Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EvOH)

Nicholas Bueno Zapata
Poster: A generalized theory of Ostwald ripening in porous media

Zhiyang Chen
Poster: Underground Adventures: A Memorable Internship Experience

Osaro Egharevba
Poster: Effect of Wettability on Relative Permeability

Henry Eya
Poster: Bandgap Engineering of SrZrS3 via Substitutional Doping for Photovoltaic Applications

Priyasha Fernando
Poster: Metal Removal from Acid Mine Drainage using Microbial Electrolysis Cells

Shenguang Fu
Poster: A Genetics-Inspired Deep Learning Neural Network Approach to Predicting VAM Emissions

Triveni Gangadari
Poster: Development of solid phase extraction-based ion exchange process for selective separation of scandium and iron from low grade secondary sources

Ianna Gomez Mendez
Poster: Experimental studies applied to Underground Hydrogen Storage in Porous Media

Xinxin He
Poster: Millisecond‐resolved gas sorption kinetics and time‐dependent diffusivity of coal

James Heim II
Poster: E-Field Enhanced Thermo-Catalytic Decomposition of Methane

Nikhil Komalla
Poster: Theory-Guided Design and Optimization of Bio-Inspired Iron-Nickel Sulfide Electrocatalysts for Green Hydrogen Production

Do Hyun Lee
Poster: Incorporating Zeolite Desilication for the Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of PP and PET Using HZSM-5

Dexuan Li
Poster: Hydrogen Mixing Dynamics during Underground Storage in Depleted Gas Reservoirs

Ayodele Olusesan
Poster: Reduction of Respirable Dust Toxicity Using Dust Control Additives--Optimizing Additives and Applications Beyond Coal

Justice Chidera Osuala
Poster: Integrating Rock Quality Index (RQI) for Enhanced Relative Permeability Estimation in Heterogeneous Reservoirs: A Preliminary Analysis

Younes Shekarian
Poster: Kinetics of Cobalt and Manganese Precipitation from Acid Mine Drainage Using Ozone

Chandima Subasinghe
Poster: Direct Extraction of Lithium from α-Spodumene by Two-Stage NaOH-roasting and Water Leaching

Junpeng Wang
Poster: Pore structural features and seepage characteristics of coral reef limestone

Yidi Wu
Poster: Plastic Deformation and Resulting Enhancement in Caprock Failure Limit

Hanif Yoga
Poster: Reliable EACN Determination for Dead and Live Crudes in Microemulsion Systems

Dandan Zhang
Poster: Pd/Pt separation by sulfur-modified adsorbents